Tesis Defense - Raul de Palma Aristides
Title: Networks of Izhikevich neurons
Participation: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. Hilda Cerdeira
IFT - São Paulo
30/01/2024 | Talk: Modelo matemático para a reprodução de sinais de ECG de quadros clínicos reais
Speaker: Patricio Dias (PhD. student)
Institut of Physycs
University of São Paulo
29/01/2024 | Academic visit
105 members at Institut of Physycs - São Paulo University
Prof. Dr. Zwinglio, Ana (graduation student), Lucas (master student), Fernando (Post-doctoral research), Patricio (PhD. student), Prof. Dr. Francisco, Prof. Dr. Iberê, Prof. Dr. Antonio
São Paulo |
Special participation in the II Engineering Gala Night of UNIFATEB
Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Prof. Dr. Jose Danilo Szezech Jr., Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges, Dr. Arthur Valêncio, Profa. Dra. Kelly Iarosz, Prof. Dr. José Trobia
State University of New York
28 Jun 2022 | Bel. TCC defense - Lucas Gabriel Cardoso
Unesp - Câmpus de São João da Boa Vista
06 Dezember 2021
Prof. Dr. Juliano Antonio de Oliveira (top), Student Lucas Gabriel Cardoso, Prof. Dr. Willian Miranda dos Santos, Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista
Brazil 2021 | Dynamic range enhancement in a critical point
II Encontro Nacional de Física Estatística
MSc. Enrique Gabrick, Fernando Borges, Paulo Protachevicz, Kelly Iarosz, Antonio Batista |
Talk: Investigação do processo de polinização por zumbido em anteras poricidas via mdelos de bilhar
Speaker: Dr. Matheus Hansen Francisco
Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia - UNESP
14 october 2021 | Pesquisadores da Unesp têm estudo publicado em revista americana
Dr. Matheus Hansen
Prof. Dr. Edson Denis Leonel
Prof. Dr. Vinícius
L. G. Brito
Student Gabriel C.
https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=105groupscience&set=a.321595375169926 | MSc. Defense - Enrique Gabrick Chipicoski
Title: Análise da faixa dinâmica em redes neuronais através de autômatos celulares
State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná
Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Enrique Gabrick, Prof. Dr. José Danilo Szezech, Prof. Dr. Iberê Caldas, Dr. Matheus Hansen, Dr. Diogo da Costa, Dr. Robson Bonetti, Marcelo Ribas, Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz
11/10/2021 |
PhD. defense - José Trobia
University of Ponta Grossa
04 September 2020.
Defesa de doutorado
Título: Análise do Comportamento Dinâmico do Crescimento de Tumores
Print: Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz, Prof. Dr. Juliana Prietrobelli, Prof. Dr. Marli Van Kan, Prof. Dr. Giane Gonçalves, Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. Elisangela dos Santos, and PhD. defender José Trobia | Bel. defense - Luiz Gustavo Cunha
Faculty of Telêmaco Borba
04 Sept 2020
MSc. Alan Corsi (left, top), Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (right, top), Bel. Luiz Cunha (academic, left, middle), Prof. Dr. Gefferson L. dos Santos (right, middle), and Dr. Paulo Ricardo Protachevicz (down, center) | Talk: Sincronização em Redes
Speaker: Dr. Paulo Ricardo Protachevicz
19/08/2020 |
Discussion of Mathematical Model Evolution
Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista (UEPG and IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (FATEB and UTFPR)
03/05/2020 | The science must go on!!!
Project Meeting
Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista (UEPG and IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (FATEB and UTFPR), and Prof. Dr. Chris Antonopoulos (Essex University)
27/04/2020 | Live about COVID-19 and New Actions for Higher Education
Prof. Dr. Joseane Balan, Prof. Esp. Fábia Theis, Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz, Prof. Esp. Rodrigo Lopes, Prof. Esp. Joseane Piechnicki, and Prof. Dr. Donizeth Santos
Faculdade de Telêmaco Borba - online
08/04/2020 |
MSc. qualification - Tatiane Gulminie Josué
Federal University of Technology – Paraná
Picture: Prof. Dr. Giane Gonçalves Lenzi (left), Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz, Prof. Dr. Juliana Martins Teixeira de Abreu Pietrobelli, and Tatiane Gulminie Josué (right) | Live "Innovation and Entrepreneurship"
Prof. MSc. Esp. Verlaine Lia Costa (FATEB and Páprica Consultoria), Esp. Rafael Zem (Porto Bureau), and Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (FATEB)
09/04/2020 | MSc. defense - Laura Pozzo
Title: Propriedades de Transporte Caótico em Mapeamentos Hamiltonianos Não Lineares
Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp.
27 February 2020
Picture: Prof. Dr. Juliano Anônio de Oliveira (left), Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, MSc. Laura Pozzo, Prof. Dr. Edson Denis Leonel (right) |
PhD. defense - Paulo Protachevicz
University of Ponta Grossa
2 February 2020.
Defesa de doutorado
Título: Padrões de Disparos em Redes Neuronais.
Picture: Dr. Paulo Protachevicz (left), Prof. Dr. Ervin Kaminski Lenzi, Prof. Dr. Adriano Doff Sotta Gomes, Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Prof. Dr. Angelo Marcelo Tusset, and Prof. Dr. Francisco Carlos Serbena (right). | IFUSP Summer School 2020
Talk: Rede de Osciladores Não Lineares
Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas and Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista
Instituto de Física - USP
13 February 2020 | And women's day in science was like that ... recognizing imperialist, imposing, and large classes to understand what is not active methodologies. Compressive network in University education will be the next step.
Faculdade de Telêmaco Borba
Telêmaco Borba, Brazil
11/02/2020 |
International Max Planck Research School
September 2019
Picture: Roberto Budzinski (left), Prof. Dr. Paul McCartly, Prof. Dr. Heike Walther, Alexandre Orthey, Thales Silva (back), Eduardo Scafi, Aron Oliveira, and Michele Mugnaine (right) | International Max Planck Research School
September 2019
Dresden, Germany
Picture: Alexandre Orthey (left), Eduardo Scafi, Thales Silva, Aron Oliveira, Michele Mugnaine, Roberto Budzinski (right), center Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Rost | IMPRS summer school and retreat.
Michele Mugnaine (Ph.D. former)
07 September 2019
Karpacz, Poland |
São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Nonlinear Dynamics
Poster session: Synchronous behavior in a neuronal network model
MSc. Paulo Protachevicz
July 29th - August 9th, 2019
University of São Paulo, Brazil | Discussions about scientific work at Federal University of Paraná
Picture: Prof Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), MSc. Michele Mugnaine, Dr. Amanda Mathias, Prof. Dr. Ricardo Viana, MSc. Edson E. Souza Filho, Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right)
08 August 2019 | São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Nonlinear Dynamics
Picture: MSc. Paulo Protachevicz (left) and Prof. Dr. José Roberto Castilho Piqueira (right)
July 29th - August 9th, 2019
University of São Paulo, Brazil |
PhD. qualification - José Trobia
State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil
29 July 2019
Picture: Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges (left), Prof. MSc. José Trobia, Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Prof. Dr. Marciano Pereira (right). | PhD. defense - Matheus Hansen Francisco
University of São Paulo, Institute of Physics, Brazil
26 July 2019
Picture: Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza (left), Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas, Prof. Dr. Edson D. Leonel, Prof. Dr. Mario J. de Oliveira, and Luiz A. Barreiro (right) | Discutions about neuron models and noise with Professor Ulrike Feudel (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany).
24 Jul 2019
Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Feudel (center), and Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right). |
Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019)
Poster session: Mathematical model of brain tumour growth with drug resistance
Elsevier Prize to the Best Poster
MSc. José Trobia
July 16-19, 2019
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil | Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019)
Poster session: Dynamical description of trajectories flux in the phase space for nontwist Hamiltonian systems
MSc. Michele Mugnaine
July 16-19, 2019
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil | Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019)
Talk: Suppression of Synchronization due to Delayed Feedback Signals in Neural Networks
Dr. Fabiano Ferrari
July 16-19, 2019
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil |
Talk: Synchronous behaviour in network model based on human cortico-cortical connections
May 9, 2019
Organized by Prof. Dr. Chris Antonopoulos
University of Essex, UK | Academic visit at University of Aberdeen
Oilthigh Obar Dheathain
06 May 2019 - Aberdeen
Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz, and MSc. Paulo Protachevicz (right). | PhD. defense - Vagner dos Santos
State University of Ponta Grossa
25 April 2019.
Defesa de doutorado
Título: Fractalidade e Crivamento na Bacia de Atração de estados Quimera.
Gelson Souza (left), Josè Danilo, Vagner dos Santos, Edson Denis Leonel, Silvio L. T. de Souza, Rafael Borges (right). |
Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean
Contributive Speaker (26 Nov.): Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz
26 – 30 November, 2018
Punta del Este, Uruguay | Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean
Contributive Speaker (26 Nov.): Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista
26 – 30 November, 2018
Punta del Este, Uruguay | Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean
First day - Opening speech
Last row: Prof. Dr. Antonio Batista, Dr. Kelly Iarosz, MSc. Michele Mugnaine, Dr. Moises Santos, Prof. Dr. Fabiano Ferrari, Dr. Fernando Borges. Last but one row: MSc. Paulo Protachevicz, MSc. Vitor Oliveira, MSc. Matheus Hansen, Prof. Dr. Juliano Oliveira
26 – 30 November, 2018
Punta del Este, Uruguay |
26th SIICUSP - USP International Symposium
of Undergraduate Research
São Paulo University
November 22 and 23, 2018 | Dinner time after workshop on relevant nonlinear dynamics and its controls and their applications to Engineering and Science.
Technological Federal University of Paraná
13 Nov 2018
Picture: Professor Dr. Galina Korina (right), Professor Dr. José M. Balthazar (right), Dr. Maurício A. Ribeiro (right), Wagner Barth (left), Prof. Dr. Angelo M. Tusset (left), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (left), Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (center). | Workshop - Federal University of Paraná
24-26 Oct 2018
Picture: Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (left/up), Dr. Moises Santos (left/down), MSc. Paulo Protachevicz (right/up), Msc Roberto Budzinski (right/down) |
XXI Physics week
Ponta Grossa, Brazil
24-28 Sep, 2018
State University of Ponta Grossa
Picture: Evandro G. Seifert | International Symposium NEWroscience 2018
Looking for Epilepsy Cure Along Centuries and Across Cultures
From Demons and Blessings to Brain Complex Networks and DNA Editing
18th to 21st September
Ribeirão Preto - Brazil
São Paulo University
Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Dr. Kelly Iarosz, MSc. Paulo Protachevicz, Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari (right) | NEWroscience 2018
18th September
Ribeirão Preto - Brazil
São Paulo University
Picture: Dr. Kelly Iarosz (right), Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari, MSc. Paulo Protachevicz, Dr. Fernando S. Borges (left) |
I Workshop on Dynamics, Control and Applications to Applied Engineering and Life Science
Federal University of Technology - Paraná
03-05 August, 2018
Picture: Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza (left), Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. José M. Balthazar, Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari (right) | Academic visit and scientific discussions at Academic visit at Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg - Center for Learning and Memory Research.
24 July 2018
Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Head of Special Lab Electron and laserscanning microscopy Dr. Wener Zuschratter (center), Prof. Dr. Marcus Hauser (right), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right) and Dr. Ewandson L. Lameu (left). | Academic visit at Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - Magdeburg - Center for Learning and Memory Research.
24 July 2018 - Magdburge
Picture: Dr. Ewandson L. Lameu (left), dipl. Phys. André Weber, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz, Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (right).
Photonscore - photon counting made easy |