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Best poster Dynamics Days Europe 2024 Title: Fractional Tumour-Immune Model with Drug Resistance Presenter: MSc. Ana Paula da Silva Koltun Bremen, July 29 – August 2, 2024

Talk: Synchronized firing patterns shape topology in neuronal networks. Speaker: Dr. Paulo R. Protachevicz IF - USP 11/07/2024

Talk: When climate variables improve the dengue forecasting: a machine learning approach Speaker: Sidney da Silva UFPR 07/2024

MSc. qualification - Diogo Leonai Souza State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná 05/07/2024

Congresso em Bad Honnef (Alemanha) Extreme Events: Identification, Analysis and Prediction Participation: MSc. Enrique Gabrick 22-26 Abril 2024 - Germany

Academic Visit - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM – Bilbao) Talk: Complex dynamics in a SEIRS forced model Speaker: MSc. Enrique Gabrick Spain, 2024

Junior Scientists Workshop on Recent Advances in Theoretical Neuroscience | (smr 3943) Speaker: MSc. Lucas Eduardo Bentivoglio Title: Effects of Potassium and Calcium Currents in a Neuronal Network Trieste, Italy

Junior Scientists Workshop on Recent Advances in Theoretical Neuroscience | (smr 3943) Speaker: Bch. Diogo Leonai Title: Emergence of spiral waves in CA1 hippocampus network Trieste, Italy

Seminários da Pós-graduação da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa Título: Estados dinâmicos de redes neuronais com corrente lenta de potássio Palestrante : MSc. Conrado Bittencourt - Doutorando PPG Ciências/Física 05/06/2024 Ponta Grossa, Brasil

Workshop - Oscillations Control Group Institute of Physics - University of São Paulo Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz April, 2024

Nobel Prize Dialogue with Prof. Dr. Serge Haroche, Prof. Dr. David MacMillan and Prof. Dr. May-Britt Moser University of São Paulo April, 2024

MSc. qualification - Evandro Seifert State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná Evaluators: Prof. Dr. Antonio Batista; Dr. Fernando Borges and Dr. Paulo Protachevicz 22/03/2024

MSc. Defense - Conrado Bittencourt Title: Estados Dinâmicos De Redes Neuronais com Corrente Lenta de Potássio State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná Participation: Prof. Dr. José Trobia (UEPG), Prof. Dr. José Danilo (UEPG), Dr. Michele Mugnaine (IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Vagner dos Santos (SEED-PR) 21/03/2024

MSc. Defense - Lucas Eduardo Bentivoglio Title: Estudo da dinâmica de disparos neuronais State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná Participation: Prof. Dr. Antonio Batista (UEPG), Dr. Matheus Rolim Sales (UNESP_Rio Claro), Prof. Dr. Ervin Kaminski Lenzi (UEPG) 20/03/2024


Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied tô Biology and Natural Sciences Speaker: MSc. Enrique Gabrick Fevereiro 2024, Caparica - Portugal.

Tesis Defense - Raul de Palma Aristides Title: Networks of Izhikevich neurons Participation: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. Hilda Cerdeira IFT - São Paulo 30/01/2024

Talk: Modelo matemático para a reprodução de sinais de ECG de quadros clínicos reais Speaker: Patricio Dias (PhD. student) Institut of Physycs University of São Paulo 29/01/2024

Academic visit 105 members at Institut of Physycs - São Paulo University Prof. Dr. Zwinglio, Ana (graduation student), Lucas (master student), Fernando (Post-doctoral research), Patricio (PhD. student), Prof. Dr. Francisco, Prof. Dr. Iberê, Prof. Dr. Antonio 30/01/2024 São Paulo

15th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, DSABNS 2024 Poster presentation: Modelling two vaccination doses in SEIR model MSc. Enrique Gabrick

15th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, DSABNS 2024 MSc. Enrique C. Gabrick (State University of Ponta Grossa), Dr. Nelson Jamba (Universidade de Évora), Dr. Matheus Hansen (Center for Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), NOVA SST, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) - Germany 30/01/2024

Talk: Resonance tongues and quasi-periodicity in 2D parameter space Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza Institute of Physics University of São Paulo 2023

1st workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics 2022 - GISCDNL. UNESP - Rio Claro 2022

Talk: Investigation of pollen release by poricidal anthers using billiard models Speaker: Dr. Matheus Hansen Francisco 1st Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics 2022 - GISCDNL.

Talk: Dynamic behaviour of neural networks Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz 1st Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics 2022 - GISCDNL.

Talk: Estruturas fractais em sistemas Hamiltonianos abertos Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ricardo L. Viana 1st Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics 2022 - GISCDNL.

Talk: Transport and dynamical barriers in Hamiltonian Nonwist systems Speaker: Pof. Dr. José Danilo Szezech 1st Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics 2022 - GISCDNL.

Talk: Modelos matemáticos para a proliferação de células cancerígenas Speaker: Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista 1st Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics 2022 - GISCDNL.

Reunião de Editores (Prof. Dr. Thanos Manos da Universuté de Cergy-Pontoise, Profa. Dra. Kelly Iarosz do Centro Universitário UNIFATEB, Prof. Dr. Chris G. Antonopoulos da University of Essex e Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa para lançamento do Volume II da Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2023

Academic Visitor Prof. Dr. Murilo da Silva Baptista at University of Aberdeen Ponta Grossa 2022

Title: Modelo Integra-e-dispara exponencial com adaptação em uma rede neuronal heterogênea aleatória Speaker: Diogo Souza IX Encontro de Pesquisa e XIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica da UNIFATEB 2022

Title: Desenho técnico e projetivo: ferramentas e normativas Speaker: Gabriel L. Batista IX Encontro de Pesquisa e XIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica da UNIFATEB 2022

Seminar with George ‘Gabe’ (Kennedy Space Center da Nasa). The infinity and Beyond

Winner: The best poster presentation at the XVIII Semana Acadêmica de Farmácia da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa Poster: Comportamento de atividades neuronais Speaker: Evandro Giovane Seifert Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: Uma introdução aos modelos epidemiológicos compartimentais determinísticos Speaker: Enrique C. Gabrick (PHD. former) Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: Comparação dos modelos integra-e-dispara exponencial com adaptação e integra-e-dispara exponencial com adaptação de condutância Speaker: Diogo Leonai Marques de Souza (student) Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: Quantificação de estados quimera em redes de mapas logísticos acoplados Speaker: Conrado Ferreira Bittencourt (master student) Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: A cellular automata model for spread of infectious diseases Speaker: Enrique C. Gabrick Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: Modelo de um sistema regulatório de glicose Speaker: Evandro G. Seifert (master student) Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: Equação de Langevin, Difusão e Soluções Speaker: Fátima Elis Cruziniani (student) Ponta Grossa, 2022

XXIV Semana de Física da UEPG Title: Estudo do Modelo Cosmológico partindo de conceitos Newtonianos Speaker: Patrício D. C. Reis (master student) Ponta Grossa, 2022

PhD. defense - Michele Mugnaine Federal University of Paraná Title: Dinâmica de mapas derivados do mapa padrão não twist Participation: Ricardo Luiz Viana (UFPR) Iberê Luiz Caldas (USP) Marcus Werner Beims (UFPR) Edson Denis Leonel (Unesp) José Danilo Szezech Júnior (UEPG) 16 September 2022

The Seminar Group Speaker: MSc. Enrique C. Gabrick Title: SEIR model: a cellular automata approach Date: 26 August 2022 Brazil, 2022

Mini-Workshop on Applied Dynamical Systems Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo (IF-USP) 2022

V SIGMAT - Simposio Integrado de Matemática ( Talk: Modelos Epidemiológicos Compartimentais Speaker: Me. Enrique Gabrick

V SIGMAT - Simposio Integrado de Matemática ( Talk: Quantificação de estados quimera em mapas acoplados Speaker: Conrado Bittencourt

Visita acadêmica - Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo Laboratório de Física de Plasmas Tokamak - TCABR Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista and Msc. Enrique Gabrick

V SIGMAT - Simposio Integrado de Matemática ( Talk: Diabetes: Modelo de glicose-insulina Speaker: Evandro Seifert

V SIGMAT - Simposio Integrado de Matemática ( Talk: Um modelo matemático para tumor no cérebro Speaker: Prof. Dr. José Trobia

V SIGMAT - Simposio Integrado de Matemática ( Talk: Modelo integra-e-dispara exponencial com adaptação em rede neuronal aleatória Speaker: Diogo Leonai Souza

Os pós-doutorandos e suas experiências acadêmicas e perspectivas de futuro profissional Invited: Dr. Matheus Hansen

Special participation in the II Engineering Gala Night of UNIFATEB Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Prof. Dr. Jose Danilo Szezech Jr., Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges, Dr. Arthur Valêncio, Profa. Dra. Kelly Iarosz, Prof. Dr. José Trobia UEPG State University of New York UFABC UNICAMP UNIFATEB 28 Jun 2022

Bel. TCC defense - Lucas Gabriel Cardoso Unesp - Câmpus de São João da Boa Vista 06 Dezember 2021 Prof. Dr. Juliano Antonio de Oliveira (top), Student Lucas Gabriel Cardoso, Prof. Dr. Willian Miranda dos Santos, Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista Brazil 2021

Dynamic range enhancement in a critical point II Encontro Nacional de Física Estatística MSc. Enrique Gabrick, Fernando Borges, Paulo Protachevicz, Kelly Iarosz, Antonio Batista

MSc. qualification - Rosemary Porto Alves Pereira Federal University of Technology – Paraná 25/11/2021 Evaluators: Prof. Dr. Rubiane G. Marques, Prof. Dr. Ana Ueda, Prof. Dr. André L. Tessaro and Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz

Talk: Autômatos celulares em redes neuronais e epidemiologia Speaker: MSc. Enrique Gabrick Ponta Grossa - Nov. 2021

Talk: DYNAMICAL BEHAVIOR OF A NEURONAL NETWORK AROUND A CRITICAL POINT XXIV Encontro Nacional de Modelagem Computacional (XXIV ENMC) e o XII Encontro de Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais (XII ECTM) MSc. Enrique C. Gabrick, Dr. Fernando S. Borges, Dr. Paulo R. Protachevich, Kelly C. Iarosz, Antonio M. Batista Ilhéus - Bahia - Brazil October 2021

Talk: Investigação do processo de polinização por zumbido em anteras poricidas via mdelos de bilhar Speaker: Dr. Matheus Hansen Francisco Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia - UNESP 14 october 2021

Pesquisadores da Unesp têm estudo publicado em revista americana Dr. Matheus Hansen Prof. Dr. Edson Denis Leonel Prof. Dr. Vinícius L. G. Brito Student Gabriel C. Lanes

MSc. Defense - Enrique Gabrick Chipicoski Title: Análise da faixa dinâmica em redes neuronais através de autômatos celulares State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Enrique Gabrick, Prof. Dr. José Danilo Szezech, Prof. Dr. Iberê Caldas, Dr. Matheus Hansen, Dr. Diogo da Costa, Dr. Robson Bonetti, Marcelo Ribas, Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz 11/10/2021

2nd Online Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity Prof. Dr. Yong Xu Prof. Dr. Ronghua Huan Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista Prof. Dr. Hao Zhang Prof. Dr. Jiaojiao Sun Prof. Dr. Kelly Cristiane Iarosz Prof. Dr. Qian Ding Prof. Dr. Ralf Metzler China/Portugal October 5 2021

MSc. qualification - Enrique Gabrick Chipicoski State University of Ponta Grossa – Paraná 13/09/2021 Picture: Prof. Dr. Marli Terezinha Van Kan (top right), Prof. Dr. Giuliano Gadioli La Guardia (top left), Bel. Enrique Gabrick Chipicoski (left), and Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista (right)

Discussing partnerships between UTFPR and IPB - COIL (Aprendizagem Cooperativa Internacional Online). Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR - Brazil) e Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB - Portugal). UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Talk: Competição de espécies e biodiversidade Speaker: Prof. Dr. José Danilo Szezech Junior 10/05/2021 Print: Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (top left) and Prof. Dr. José Danilo (top right). IFUSP - São Paulo

Undergraduate final project - Fabio Gustavo Batista Honório Faculty of Telêmaco Borba - Telêmaco Borba - Paraná State (BRA) 11 Jun 2021 Print: Prof. Rafael Leal (top left), Student Fabio (top right), Dr. Paulo Protachevicz (left), and Dr. Fernando Borges (right)

INFRA+ Infrastructure for Fragmented Cities Dr Juliano C. Gonçalves Dr Denise Lozano Lazo Dr Cristine Diniz Santiago Mr Sidnei Furtado Dr Rafael Oliveira Costa Dr Nicolás Rúbido Dr Norma Valencio Dr Kelly Iarosz

Talk: Visão geral das aplicações de redes Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz 14/05/2021 UFABC - São Paulo

Talk: Complex Systems: from hormones to neurons Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz 03/05/2021 UNESP - Rio Claro

MSc. defense - Bruna de Oliveira Ribeiro Federal University of Technology - Ponta Grossa - Paraná 16 April 2021 Print: Prof. Dr. Simone Inglez (top left), Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (top right), Prof. Dr. Rodrigo lima (left), and Bel. Bruna Ribeiro (right)

MSc. qualification - Bruna de Oliveira Ribeiro Federal University of Technology – Paraná 24/03/2021 Print: Prof. Dr. Giane Gonçalves Lenzi (top right), Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (top left), Prof. Dr. Simone Inglez (left), and Bel. Bruna Ribeiro (right)

Talk: Influence of the mean perturbation rate on the density of spiking neurons Speaker: Bal. Enrique Chipicoski Gabrick Received honorable mention Universidade Federal do Piauí 20 Nov. 2020

Talk: Estados quimera em redes neuronais Speaker: Dr. Moisés Souza Santos Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Online Event 19 Nov. 2020

Talk: Dinâmica de uma rede neuronal modeladas por autõmato celular Speaker: Bel. Enrique Chipicoski Gabrick EPIC 2020 Faculdade de Telêmaco Borba, Brazil Online Event 29 October 2020

Talk: Surgimento de barreiras parciais de transporte em sistemas não twist Speaker: Michele Mugnaine IFUSP - Grupo Controle de Oscilações 01/10/2020


Talk: Quando acaba a pandemia? Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fabiano Ferrari (Fabiano Ferrari​) 10 september 2020 Pint of Science Brasil​

PhD. defense - José Trobia University of Ponta Grossa 04 September 2020. Defesa de doutorado Título: Análise do Comportamento Dinâmico do Crescimento de Tumores Print: Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz, Prof. Dr. Juliana Prietrobelli, Prof. Dr. Marli Van Kan, Prof. Dr. Giane Gonçalves, Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. Elisangela dos Santos, and PhD. defender José Trobia

Bel. defense - Luiz Gustavo Cunha Faculty of Telêmaco Borba 04 Sept 2020 MSc. Alan Corsi (left, top), Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (right, top), Bel. Luiz Cunha (academic, left, middle), Prof. Dr. Gefferson L. dos Santos (right, middle), and Dr. Paulo Ricardo Protachevicz (down, center)

Talk: Sincronização em Redes Speaker: Dr. Paulo Ricardo Protachevicz 19/08/2020

Talk: Inference of topology and the nature of synapses in neuronal networks Dr. Fernando Borges da Silva CNS 2020 04/08/2020

MSc. defense - Anderson Silva Title: Leis de escala e transientes no mapa logistic-like perturbado Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp. 30 July 2020 Print: Prof. Edson D. Leonel (Brazil), Prof. José Antônio Mèndez-Bermúdez (Mexico), Prof. Juliano Antônio de Oliveira (Brazil), and Prof. Antonio Marcos Batista (Brazil).

Talk: O estudo de modelos matemáticos em tratamentos cancerígenos Speaker: Prof. Dr. José Trobia Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa 22/07/20

Talk: Afinal, como são realizadas as projeções do Covid-19? Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari Projeto Sempre Viva 15/07/2020

Discussion: Indústria 4.0 Prof. Dr. Antonio Batista, Esp. Antônio Prestes, and Prof. Dr. Silvio de Souza 25/06/2020 Faculdade de Telêmaco Borba, 2020

Home Office and discussion about: impact of easing restrictions and control of infection spread Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (top left), Dr. Antonio M. Batista (top right), Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (left), Dr. José D. Szezech (right), and Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza (center) 22/06/2020

Discussion of Mathematical Model Evolution Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista (UEPG and IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (FATEB and UTFPR) 03/05/2020

The science must go on!!! Project Meeting Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista (UEPG and IFUSP), Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (FATEB and UTFPR), and Prof. Dr. Chris Antonopoulos (Essex University) 27/04/2020

Live about COVID-19 and New Actions for Higher Education Prof. Dr. Joseane Balan, Prof. Esp. Fábia Theis, Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz, Prof. Esp. Rodrigo Lopes, Prof. Esp. Joseane Piechnicki, and Prof. Dr. Donizeth Santos Faculdade de Telêmaco Borba - online 08/04/2020

Meeting: Inspetorias Castro, Telêmaco Borba e Ponta Grossa - CREA-PR 14/05/2020 Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz and Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Evaristo

MSc. qualification - Eduardo Abreu Federal University of Technology – Paraná 13/04/2020 Picture: Eduardo Abreu (left), Prof. Dr. Giane Gonçalves Lenzi, Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right), and Prof. Dr. Juliana Martins Teixeira de Abreu Pietrobelli

Física para Todos - Março 2020 Talk: Nosso Cérebro nos Torna Quem Somos Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz 07/03/2020 Biblioteca Mário de Andrade - São Paulo

MSc. qualification - Tatiane Gulminie Josué Federal University of Technology – Paraná 13/04/2020 Picture: Prof. Dr. Giane Gonçalves Lenzi (left), Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz, Prof. Dr. Juliana Martins Teixeira de Abreu Pietrobelli, and Tatiane Gulminie Josué (right)

Live "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" Prof. MSc. Esp. Verlaine Lia Costa (FATEB and Páprica Consultoria), Esp. Rafael Zem (Porto Bureau), and Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (FATEB) 09/04/2020

MSc. defense - Laura Pozzo Title: Propriedades de Transporte Caótico em Mapeamentos Hamiltonianos Não Lineares Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp. 27 February 2020 Picture: Prof. Dr. Juliano Anônio de Oliveira (left), Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, MSc. Laura Pozzo, Prof. Dr. Edson Denis Leonel (right)

PhD. defense - Paulo Protachevicz University of Ponta Grossa 2 February 2020. Defesa de doutorado Título: Padrões de Disparos em Redes Neuronais. Picture: Dr. Paulo Protachevicz (left), Prof. Dr. Ervin Kaminski Lenzi, Prof. Dr. Adriano Doff Sotta Gomes, Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Prof. Dr. Angelo Marcelo Tusset, and Prof. Dr. Francisco Carlos Serbena (right).

IFUSP Summer School 2020 Talk: Rede de Osciladores Não Lineares Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas and Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista Instituto de Física - USP 13 February 2020

And women's day in science was like that ... recognizing imperialist, imposing, and large classes to understand what is not active methodologies. Compressive network in University education will be the next step. Faculdade de Telêmaco Borba Telêmaco Borba, Brazil 11/02/2020

Tokamak Chauffage Alfvén Brasilien (TCABR) Pictures: Professor Dr. Iberê Luiz Caldas, Professor Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, PhD. student Nico Wunderling and graduation student Evandro Giovane Seifert. São Paulo, Brazil 29 February 2020

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Picture: Professor Ludmila Pisarchik, Professor Alexander Pisarchik, Dr. Crislaine Cruz, Professor Fabiano Ferrari and Dr. Parth Chholak Madrid, January 2020

Climate and networks

Climate and networks at IUSP Brazil and Germany Universidade de São Paulo 28 January 2020 Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista and PhD. student Nico Wunderling


Talk: Firing Patterns and Epileptic Seizures Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges VIII Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience São Paulo, SP, Brazil January 6 – 31 2020


VIII Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience São Paulo, SP, Brazil January 6 – 31 2020

XXII Physics Week UEPG

XXII Physics Week UEPG Poster session: Influência do ruído na dinâmica de um modelo neuronal Evandro Giovane Seifert (Graduation student) November, 2019 Ponta Grossa, Brasil

POC 2019

1st Perspectives on Oscillation Control 7-8 November 2019 POC 2019 #poscont The workshop will honor Professor Dr. Iberê Luiz Caldas IFUSP, São Paulo 2019 Facebook link photos.


1st Perspectives on Oscillation Control 7-8 November 2019 POC 2019 #poscont Talk: An uninterrupted (nontwist) path from homoclinic to heteroclinic tangles Prof. Dr. José D. Szezech Jr. IFUSP, São Paulo 2019 Facebook link photos.

Bistable dynamics in a neuronal network described by the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model MSc Paulo Protachevicz 19/10/2019 Federal University of Paraná

The 27th Nonlinear Dynamics of ElectronicSystems conference 14 October 2019 Xi'an - China

The 27th Nonlinear Dynamics of ElectronicSystems conference Talk: Extreme events in nonlinear wave interactions Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista 17 October 2019 Xi'an - China

The 27th Nonlinear Dynamics of ElectronicSystems conference Talk: Synchronisation in cortico-cortical network of the human brain Prof. Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz 14 October 2019 Xi'an - China

27th Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems Conference Pic: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Prof. Dr. Ruedi Stoop, Prof. Dr. Arunas Tamasevicius, Prof. Dr. Géza Kolumbán, and Prof. Dr. Kelly Iarosz (right). Xi'an, China 2019


27th Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems Conference NDES2019 Xi'an - China October 14-17, 2019

International Research Training Group 1740 (IRTG 2019) Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät Institut für Physik Berlin 27/09/2019 - 02/10/2019

Delay-induced synchronized patterns in neuronal networks with plasticity IWCSN 2019 Dr. Ewandson Luiz Lameu Berlin 24/09/2019

Properties and scientific curiosities about the cortico-cortical network of the human brain IWCSN 2019 Dr. Kelly Cristiane Iarosz Berlin 26/09/2019

Bistable firing patterns: one way to understand how epileptic seizures are triggered IWCSN 2019 Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges Berlin 26/09/2019

Simpósio Integrado de Matemática Evandro Giovane Seifert (graduation Student) Ponta Grossa, 2019

Modular formation in a network with long and short-term plasticity Dr. Ewandson Luiz Lameu Berlin, 2019


XI Simpósio de Graduação e Pós Graduação em Química e I Encontro de Pós Graduação em Química Title: Padrões de atividades do potencial de membrana de modelo de neurônio 19 September 2019 Evandro Giovane Seifert (Graduation student) Ponta Grossa, Brasil

International Max Planck Research School September 2019 Picture: Roberto Budzinski (left), Prof. Dr. Paul McCartly, Prof. Dr. Heike Walther, Alexandre Orthey, Thales Silva (back), Eduardo Scafi, Aron Oliveira, and Michele Mugnaine (right)

International Max Planck Research School September 2019 Dresden, Germany Picture: Alexandre Orthey (left), Eduardo Scafi, Thales Silva, Aron Oliveira, Michele Mugnaine, Roberto Budzinski (right), center Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Rost

IMPRS summer school and retreat. Michele Mugnaine (Ph.D. former) 07 September 2019 Karpacz, Poland

São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Nonlinear Dynamics Poster session: Synchronous behavior in a neuronal network model MSc. Paulo Protachevicz July 29th - August 9th, 2019 University of São Paulo, Brazil

Discussions about scientific work at Federal University of Paraná Picture: Prof Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), MSc. Michele Mugnaine, Dr. Amanda Mathias, Prof. Dr. Ricardo Viana, MSc. Edson E. Souza Filho, Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right) 08 August 2019

São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Nonlinear Dynamics Picture: MSc. Paulo Protachevicz (left) and Prof. Dr. José Roberto Castilho Piqueira (right) July 29th - August 9th, 2019 University of São Paulo, Brazil

PhD. qualification - José Trobia State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil 29 July 2019 Picture: Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges (left), Prof. MSc. José Trobia, Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcos Batista, Prof. Dr. Marciano Pereira (right).

PhD. defense - Matheus Hansen Francisco University of São Paulo, Institute of Physics, Brazil 26 July 2019 Picture: Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza (left), Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas, Prof. Dr. Edson D. Leonel, Prof. Dr. Mario J. de Oliveira, and Luiz A. Barreiro (right)

Discutions about neuron models and noise with Professor Ulrike Feudel (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany). 24 Jul 2019 Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Feudel (center), and Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right).

V – Workshop of the Oscillations Control Group Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Talk: Synaptic plasticity induces non-trivial topology in the brain July 23-24 – 2019 Institute of Physics - USP

V – Workshop of the Oscillations Control Group Prof. Antonio Marcos Batista State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil. Talk: Chimera states in neuronal networks July 23-24 – 2019 Institute of Physics - USP

V – Workshop of the Oscillations Control Group Prof. Silvio L T de Souza Federal University of São João Del-Rei, Brazil. Talk: Compound windows of chaotic oscillators in bi-parameter space. July 23-24 – 2019 Institute of Physics - USP

Best poster award at PNLD 2019 Picture: José Trobia and Professor Stefano Boccaletti


Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019) Talk: Firing patterns in networks of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges July 16-19, 2019 ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil


Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019) Poster session: How epileptic seizures are generated in a neuronal network model MSc. Paulo Protachevicz July 16-19, 2019 ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil


Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019) Poster session: Mathematical model of brain tumour growth with drug resistance Elsevier Prize to the Best Poster MSc. José Trobia July 16-19, 2019 ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil

Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019) Poster session: Dynamical description of trajectories flux in the phase space for nontwist Hamiltonian systems MSc. Michele Mugnaine July 16-19, 2019 ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil

Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019) Talk: Suppression of Synchronization due to Delayed Feedback Signals in Neural Networks Dr. Fabiano Ferrari July 16-19, 2019 ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil

Conference Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics (PNLD 2019) Talk: Mathematical model of brain tumour Dr. Kelly Iarosz July 16-19, 2019 ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil Photo credits: Dr. Nicolás Rubido

28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2019) Poster session ( July 15th): Dr. Ewandson L. Lameu (P190) 13-17 July, 2019 Barcelona, Spain

28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2019) Poster session ( July 14th): Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges (P13) 13-17 July, 2019 Barcelona, Spain

Discussions about scientific work with Prof. Dr. Murilo da Silva Baptista University of Aberdeen - Aberdeen - Scotland Picture: Prof Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), MSc. Paulo R. Protachevicz, Prof. Dr. Murilo S. Baptista, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right) 31 May 2019

Discussions about Collective Almost Synchronisation in Complex Networks with Prof. Dr. Murilo S. Baptista and MSc. Paulo R. Protachevicz University of Aberdeen 31 May 2019


ICTP - School and Workshop on Patterns of Synchrony: Chimera States and Beyond Trieste, Italy 6-17 May 2019

Talk: Synchronous behaviour in network model based on human cortico-cortical connections May 9, 2019 Organized by Prof. Dr. Chris Antonopoulos University of Essex, UK

Academic visit at University of Aberdeen Oilthigh Obar Dheathain 06 May 2019 - Aberdeen Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz, and MSc. Paulo Protachevicz (right).

PhD. defense - Vagner dos Santos State University of Ponta Grossa 25 April 2019. Defesa de doutorado Título: Fractalidade e Crivamento na Bacia de Atração de estados Quimera. Gelson Souza (left), Josè Danilo, Vagner dos Santos, Edson Denis Leonel, Silvio L. T. de Souza, Rafael Borges (right).

Work discussion at Federal University of Paraná (24/04/2019). Picture: Adriane Reis (left), José Coninck, Fabiano Ferrari, Ricardo Viana, Kelly Iarosz, Antonio Batista

Talk: Brain cancer and mathematical models. 24 April 2019 Graduate in Science Program - Physics

International Women's Day Talk: Women in science March 8, 2019 Organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research, cifal, Sistema Fiep, Sesi

MSc. defense - Michele Mugnaine State University of Ponta Grossa 21 February 2019 Picture: Prof. Dr. José D. Szezech Jr (left), MSc. Michele Mugnaine, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz and Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (right)

MSc. defense - Raul de Palma Aristides Federal University of Paraná 20 February 2019 Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas, MSc. Raul P. Aristides and Prof. Dr. Ricardo L. Viana (right)

MSc. qualification - Michele Mugnaine State University of Ponta Grossa 07/12/2018 Picture: Prof. Dr. José D. Szezech Jr (left), Michele Mugnaine, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz and Prof. Dr. Ervin Kaminski Lenzi (right)


Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Poster sessions (29 Nov.): MSc. Paulo R. Protachevicz 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Poster sessions (29 Nov.): Dr. Moises S. Santos 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Contributive Speaker (27 Nov.): Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Poster sessions (27 Nov.): MSc. Michele Mugnaine 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Poster sessions (27 Nov.): Dr. Fernando da Silva Borges 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Contributive Speaker (26 Nov.): Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean Contributive Speaker (26 Nov.): Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

Dynamics Days Latin America and the Caribbean First day - Opening speech Last row: Prof. Dr. Antonio Batista, Dr. Kelly Iarosz, MSc. Michele Mugnaine, Dr. Moises Santos, Prof. Dr. Fabiano Ferrari, Dr. Fernando Borges. Last but one row: MSc. Paulo Protachevicz, MSc. Vitor Oliveira, MSc. Matheus Hansen, Prof. Dr. Juliano Oliveira 26 – 30 November, 2018 Punta del Este, Uruguay

26th SIICUSP - USP International Symposium of Undergraduate Research São Paulo University November 22 and 23, 2018

Dinner time after workshop on relevant nonlinear dynamics and its controls and their applications to Engineering and Science. Technological Federal University of Paraná 13 Nov 2018 Picture: Professor Dr. Galina Korina (right), Professor Dr. José M. Balthazar (right), Dr. Maurício A. Ribeiro (right), Wagner Barth (left), Prof. Dr. Angelo M. Tusset (left), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (left), Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (center).

Workshop - Federal University of Paraná 24-26 Oct 2018 Picture: Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas (left/up), Dr. Moises Santos (left/down), MSc. Paulo Protachevicz (right/up), Msc Roberto Budzinski (right/down)

Talk: How Physicists study phenomena and diseases related to the brain Dissemination of scientific works to community: high school and technical 18 Outubro 2018 Ponta Grossa, State College Professor João Ricardo Von Borell du Vernay - Brazil Picture: Dr Kelly C. Iarosz and Borell students

Talk: Transport in Hamiltonian Non-Twist Systems 17 Outubro 2018 Ponta Grossa, State University of Ponta Grossa - Brazil Picture: Michele Mugnaine

COMPENG 2018 GGI – Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics Florence - Italy, 2018 Picture: Dr Ewandson L. Lameu

XXI Physics week Ponta Grossa, Brazil 24-28 Sep, 2018 State University of Ponta Grossa Picture: Evandro G. Seifert

International Symposium NEWroscience 2018 Looking for Epilepsy Cure Along Centuries and Across Cultures From Demons and Blessings to Brain Complex Networks and DNA Editing 18th to 21st September Ribeirão Preto - Brazil São Paulo University Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Dr. Kelly Iarosz, MSc. Paulo Protachevicz, Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari (right)

NEWroscience 2018 18th September Ribeirão Preto - Brazil São Paulo University Picture: Dr. Kelly Iarosz (right), Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari, MSc. Paulo Protachevicz, Dr. Fernando S. Borges (left)

Talk: Balanced networks 12 September 2018 Ponta Grossa, State University of Ponta Grossa - Brazil Picture: Msc. Paulo R. Protachevicz

Featured Article - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 August 2018

Featured Article - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24 August 2018

II PratiCoNeuro 20 - 21 August 2018 São Paulo University – Ribeirão Preto Brazil

Talk: Riddling: chimera’s dilemma 17 August 2018 Workshop presentation at Federal University of Paraná Picture: Prof. Dr. Jośe D. Szezech Jr

Workshop at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR Main organizer: Prof. Dr. Ricardo L. Viana 17 August 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

I Workshop on Dynamics, Control and Applications to Applied Engineering and Life Science Federal University of Technology - Paraná 03-05 August, 2018 Picture: Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza (left), Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista, Prof. Dr. José M. Balthazar, Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari (right)

Academic visit and scientific discussions at Academic visit at Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg - Center for Learning and Memory Research. 24 July 2018 Magdeburg Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Head of Special Lab Electron and laserscanning microscopy Dr. Wener Zuschratter (center), Prof. Dr. Marcus Hauser (right), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (right) and Dr. Ewandson L. Lameu (left).

Academic visit at Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie - Magdeburg - Center for Learning and Memory Research. 24 July 2018 - Magdburge Picture: Dr. Ewandson L. Lameu (left), dipl. Phys. André Weber, Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz, Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (right). Photonscore - photon counting made easy

Discutions about Chimera's dilemma with Professor Jürgen Kurths. 02 Jul 2018 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Potsdam, Germany Picture: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kurths (left), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (center) and Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (right).

Talk: Detecting phase synchronized groups in networks of chaotic bursting neurons through spatial recurrence plots June 27-29, 2018 Göttingen, German Picture: Dr. Ewandson L. Lameu

Talk: Dynamic behaviour of neural networks 27 June 2018 Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-lnspired Intelligence Shanghai, Fudan University - China Picture: Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz.

Discutions about neuron models and networks with Dr. Peng Ji. 25 Jun 2018 The School of Mathematical Sciences Fudan University Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Dr. Kelly C. Iarosz (center) and Dr. Peng Ji (right).

Visit to the experimental control lab. Jun 20, 2018 Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an - China Picture: Prof. Dr. Antonio M. Batista (left), Dr. Guo Xin (center) and Dr. Kelly Iarosz (right).

NDES 2018 Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems Acireale, Library and Pinacotheca Zelantea June, 11-13 2018 Picture: Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari

Talk: Big Data: new age of nonlinear and complex systems Oral translation in Chinese made by: Dr. Guo Xin 13 June 2018 Xi'an, Xi'an University of Technology (new campus) - Shaanxi - China

The Second International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics: Control and Applications Xi'an University of Technology 08 June 2018

Talk: Dynamic behaviour of neural networks Second International Meeting - Xi'an University of Technology 08 June 2018 Xi'an, Xi'an University of Technology - Shaanxi - China

Talk: Chimera states in dynamical systems Second International Meeting - Xi'an University of Technology 08 June 2018 Xi'an, Xi'an University of Technology - Shaanxi - China

15th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference Madrid, Spain, June 4-7, 2018 Rey Juan Carlos University Picture: Prof. Dr. Fabiano A. S. Ferrari.

frontier forum of complex systems in SNNU (陕师大复杂系统论坛) 02 June 2018 Shaanxi Normal University Xi'an

Workshop on Long-Range Interactions and Synchronization May 28-31, 2018 São Paulo, Brazil ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP

Discussions about scientific work with Prof. Dr. Murilo da Silva Baptista Aberdeen University - Aberdeen - Scotland 23 May 2018

Ph.D. defense - Arthur Valencio Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology ​22 May 2018 Aberdeen University - Scotland

Workshop on non-linear dynamics applied at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR Main organizer: Prof. Dr. Ricardo L. Viana 04 May 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

Talk:Fractal basin boundaries for chimera states in coupled dynamical systems Workshop on non-linear dynamics applied at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR 04 May 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

Talk:Symmetry breaking on non-twist maps Workshop on non-linear dynamics applied at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR 04 May 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

Talk:Stickness detection using winding number Workshop on non-linear dynamics applied at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR 04 May 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

Talk:Traçado eficiente de variedades em mapas bidimensionais Workshop on non-linear dynamics applied at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR 04 May 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

Talk:Delayed Feedback Effects on Neuronal Synchronization of a Network of Networks Workshop on non-linear dynamics applied at the Post-Graduation Course in Physics of UFPR 04 May 2018 Curitiba, PR Federal University of Paraná - Brazil

Talk:Inference of topology and the nature of synapses in neuronal networks 24 April 2018 Ponta Grossa, PR Federal University of Technology - Brazil

Talk:Chimera States in Networks of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators 24 April 2018 Ponta Grossa, PR Federal University of Technology - Brazil

Participation in RD4 Machine Learning Colloquium Potsdam - Germany Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research — PIK Main organizers: Peter-Paul Pichler and Jobst Heitzig 23-24/04/2018

Discussions about scientific work with Prof. Dr. Murilo da Silva Baptista São Paulo University - Brazil Main organizer: Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas 20 April 2018

Discussions about scientific work with Prof. Dr. Murilo S. Baptista, Prof. Dr. Silvio L. T. de Souza and Prof. Dr. Rene Medrano São Paulo University - Brazil Main organizer: Prof. Dr. Iberê L. Caldas 20 April 2018

Academic Visit  Visitor: Prof. Dr. Silvio Luiz Thomaz de Souza  Talk: Exploring nonlinear dynamics in 2D parameter space 18-21 March 2018

Talk: Effect of plasticity on the synchronous behaviour in the brain University of Essex - England (UK) Main organizer: Dr. Chris Antonopoulos 27 March 2018

Analysis and Modeling of Complex Oscillatory Systems (AMCOS) March 19 – 23, 2018: PRBB, Barcelona, Spain.

Physical Review E We would like to inform you that we have selected Figure 3c from this paper to be displayed on our journal web site as part of our "Kaleidoscope" ( All figures published in Physical Review E are eligible for selection by the editors for display on our web site; we choose figures on aesthetic merit. 15 March 2018

Extremes Events Hanover - Germany March 5-9, 2018.

Talk: Extrem Events in Neuronal Network Using Structural Connections Matrix of Human Brain 6 March 2018 Hannover, Germany

PhD defense - Moises Souza State University of Ponta Grossa - Brazil ​01 March 2018

Seminar: Neuronal Models State University Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), Rio Claro, Brazil 10 Nov 2017

School on Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Complex Networks in the Big Data Era São Paulo, Brazil ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP February 19 – March 2, 2018

Workshop "Understanding Oscillatory Dynamics". The Workshop is dedicated to the 60th birthday of Michael Rosenblum.  Campus Golm, Potsdam, Germany  February 15-16, 2018.

VII Lascon VII Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience Institute of Mathematics and Statistics University of São Paulo January 7 – February, 2 2018.

PhD defense - Ronaldo Evaristo State University of Ponta Grossa 08 Dec 2017

Talk: Brain lesion model Physics Workshop Nov 29 - Dec 01, 2017 Ouro Branco, MG Federal University of São João del-Rei

Talk: Neuronal Networks Physics Workshop Nov 29 - Dec 01, 2017 Ouro Branco, MG Federal University of São João del-Rei

7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots São Paulo University São Paulo, Brazil August 23-25, 2017

1º Praticoneuro - 1º Curso Prático de Modelagem Computacional em Neurociência  USP Ribeirão Preto 24/25 July 2017

6TH Annual Meeting of the Aberdeen Lanzhou Tempe Joint Research Center for Computation and Complexity and Workshop on Chaos and Complexity Lanzhou University 2-6 July 2017. ​ The event is dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Dr. Celso Grebogi.

PhD defense - Ricardo Oyarzabal State University of Ponta Grossa ​24 May 2017

Cooperative visit to Scientific group at State University Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP) Rio Claro, Brazil

PhD. defense - Fernando da Silva Borges State University of Ponta Grossa Aberdeen University 22 Nov 2016

Bel. defense - Michele Mugnaine State University of Ponta Grossa 24 Nov 2016

Seminar: Sincronização em Redes Neurais Physics Institute - University of São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil 13 March 2017

Seminar: Chimera states in neuronal network model based on cat's brain State University Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), Rio Claro, Brazil 01 March 2017

Seminar: Networks State University Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), Rio Claro, Brazil 01 March 2017

Interview for the open channel TV Brasil Dynamic behavior of neural networks considering synaptic plasticity ​

Academic Visit Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology University of Aberdeen 29 Nov 2016

Workshop of Physics State University of Ponta Grossa 03-06 Nov 2016

PhD. defense - Ewandson Luiz Lameu State University of Ponta Grossa Aberdeen University Oct 2016

Academic Visit Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology University of Aberdeen 11 Jan 2017

MSc. defense - Ewandson Luiz Lameu State University of Ponta Grossa 22 Fev 2013

Cooperation visit Brazil - Scotland Fund Newton and Araucaria Foundation ​

Workshop of Physics State University of Ponta Grossa September 25-29, 2016

PhD. defense - Rafael Ribaski Borges Stadual University of Ponta Grossa 22 May 2016

6th International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity  INPE – São José dos Campos – Brazil May 16-20, 2016

MSc. defense - Paulo Ricardo Protachevic State University of Ponta Grossa 16 Fev 2016

School on Complex Networks and Applications to Neuroscience ICTP-SAIFR, Auditorium of Instituto de Física Teórica, UNESP, São Paulo October 16, 2015

PhD. defense - Marli Terezinha Van Kan State University of Ponta Grossa 18/06/2013

3rd Dynamics Days South America 2014 Viña del Mar, Chile 03-07 Nov 2014.

PhD. defense - Robson Conrado Bonetti State University of Ponta Grossa 20/10/2014

​Ph. D. defense - Kelly Cristiane Iarosz State University of Ponta Grossa Aberdeen University 22 Fev 2013

Medyfinol 2014 Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil 13 to 17 October 2014.

Stochastic Biology: from Cells to Populations IST Austria, Klosterneuburg May 5-7 2014

Workshop Evolutionary Games on Complex Networks Aberdeen University Speaker: Dr. Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes 20 Jan 2014

Celso Grebogi Minicourse on Complex Systems. ICTP-SAIFR, Auditorium of Instituto de Física Teórica, UNESP, São Paulo 23-24 September 2013

Group meeting at State University of Ponta Grossa 24 May 2013

MSc. defense - Fernando da Silva Borges State University of Ponta Grossa 04 March 2013

Group meeting at Federal University of Paraná 13 Dec 2012

Group meeting at State University of Ponta Grossa, Visitor: Dr. Nicolás Rubido Obrer 12 Dec 2012

Academic Visit - Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zampier dos Santos Lima Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte 21 Nov 2012

Group meeting at Federal University of Paraná, Visitor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kurths 29 Fev 2012

Encontro de Física 2011 Integração da Física na América Latina Foz do Iguaçú 5-10 Jun 2011 ​

First PhD defense of the State University of Ponta Grossa. Postgraduate Program in Science/Physics. Great... it was 105 Group Science! 13 Fev 2012

10th Brazilian Meeting on Plasma Physics Maresias Nov/2009

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